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Ever wonder how your paycheck disappears so fast? Seriously, where does all that money go?

Routine monthly bills and expenses eat up a significant chunk of your paycheck. Figure out a way to lower bills and you’ll suddenly have a bunch of extra spending money each month.

Let’s look at a few ways to do it!


Cut Your Cable

Join the cord-cutting revolution! Cable bills can run up into the hundreds of dollars per month while streaming services like Netflix cost less than $10. Even if you sign up for a couple different ones to offer more variety, you’ll still be saving a bundle over cable.


Lower Energy Usage

There are many small ways to save electricity that can add up to big savings. For example:

  • Turn off lights when not in use
  • Set a programmable thermostat to lower the temperature at night and when you’re not home (saves on gas if you have a gas furnace)
  • Add insulating window film
  • Unplug electronics when not in use

If you want to virtually wipe out your electric bill altogether, consider investing in solar energy. In some areas, if you produce more than you use you can even sell your excess energy to the power company!


Close the Faucet

 You already know to turn the water off while you brush your teeth. Another great way to save on your water bill is to install faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads. Switching to a front-loading washing machine can also cut down water use by about 70% per load.


Search for Better Internet Rates

You can’t save money by reducing your Internet usage like you can energy or water. However, you have two options for saving. First, switch providers if you can find a better deal somewhere else.

Second, negotiate with your own company if you don’t want to switch. To keep your business, they may offer you a promotional rate or offer you a cheaper plan that still satisfies your needs.

Shop Around or Bundle Your Insurance

Again, shop around for the best rate first. You can also save on insurance by bundling your homeowners, auto, and any other insurances you need with the same company. Many companies also offer a discount if you pay yearly or every 6 months rather than monthly.

Check Your Subscriptions

There’s a subscription for everything these days from music streaming to audiobooks to gaming apps. The trouble is, these are set up as automatic payments and you may have forgotten about them. It’s also easy to sign up for the free trial and not realize that you’ve been automatically signed up to keep paying for it. 

Check your accounts carefully for subscription payments to services you don’t use and cancel them. 

Pay Off Credit Cards

Credit card interest rates are astronomical and if you don’t pay off your credit cards each month, you’re flushing money down the toilet. If your debt is so high that you’re having trouble paying it off, consider a low-interest personal loan to consolidate your debt into one low-interest payment — and cut up your credit cards if they’ll get you in trouble again.

Save Money Every Day

Life is expensive enough without extra monthly expenses bogging you down. Try these tips to decrease your bills and up your budgeting prowess today.

Looking for more ways to save, check out more of our articles!

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