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Did you know that a typical household in the U.S. spends about $2,000 a year on utility bills? What if there were a way to substantially lower those bills? Think about what you could do with the extra money!

Turns out there are a lot of ways you can lower your utility bills. Check out these great ideas!


Buy Energy Efficiency Appliances

Running out and buying all new appliances at once can be quite a hit to the wallet, which is the opposite of what we’re trying to do here. However, as appliances go out, replace them with energy-efficient models. Always remember to check if there are any tax breaks or rebates for the model you want to buy.

Reduce Heat Transfer

Whether you’re trying to keep the heat in or out, heat transfer between your home and the outdoors equals wasted energy. Since heating and cooling bills account for nearly half of your energy bills, keeping the heat where you want it will have a significant impact on your bills.

Here are a few great ideas:

  • Install energy-efficient windows
  • Add window film to current windows
  • Add or replace old weatherstripping
  • Draw the drapes or shades at night to keep the heat inside
  • Add insulation to your attic
  • Inspect your home for gaps or cracks and caulk or seal them up


Turn Down Your Thermostat

If you can stand it, drop the temperature in your home by a few degrees. You can save around 1% in an 8-hour period for every degree that you turn it down.

Not excited by the idea of wearing sweatshirts indoors all the time? Turn it down considerably at night and add an extra blanket to the bed. In your sleep, you won’t know the difference and with a programmable thermostat, you can have the heat kick on half an hour before you plan to get up. You can also program it to turn itself down during the day when no one is home.

Flat Rates vs Dual Rates

Check to see if your energy company charges a flat rate or uses a dual-rate model through which they charge more for energy used during peak times. If that’s the case, plan to run major appliances like the dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer late at night to take advantage of the cheaper rates.

Switch Energy Providers

One very simple way to enjoy energy savings that requires absolutely no lifestyle changes is to switch energy providers. As with everything, utility companies charge slightly different prices for the services they provide.

Examine your bill to understand how much you’re currently paying and shop around to see if you can get a better deal. Saving money is as simple as making the switch.

Start Saving Money Today

Start implementing these tips today to see how much you can save on your energy bills. For even more ideas, you might request an energy audit. A professional will inspect your home for wasted energy and offer ideas for how to cut down on electrical usage, gas usage, and more!

Looking for more DIY tips? Check out more of our articles!

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